3 Ways That Entrepreneurship Stimulates Economic Development



Entrepreneur’s contribution to the economy is of great value. They are needed and indispensable for economic growth of our country.  We simply cannot do without them and must continue to support the growth and development of entrepreneurs. We need companies that not only have a great start, but are sustainable.  OUR economy is much dependent upon them performing well.



  1. Investment– The entrepreneur has to invest in what is required for the economy. Economic progress will depend upon the many contributions and investments of entrepreneurs.



“Entrepreneurship is a Mindset Not a Storefront” GET YOUR COPY



  1. Employment – An entrepreneur by setting up various businesses are creating employment for the economy. People need jobs. As more people are employed they have purchasing power as well as the ability to take care of their families.


  1. Contributes to gross national product– An entrepreneur makes a big contribution to the national economy as whole. The GNP of the country is calculated based upon the total number of products and services available.  The more products and services available the higher the GNP. It indicates the economic prosperity of the country.



Where does your STATE RANK for Entrepreneurship growth?  Kauffman Foundation State Rankings Report

Among the 25 largest States Tennessee went from #18 to #14. Where did you State Rank?


Author Speaker Coach ~ Yolanda Shields 

Author Yolanda Shields